The University of Plymouth is organising a networking event next week as part of our Devon Agri-Tech Accelerator (DATA) project.
Devon Agri Tech Accelerator (DATA) is a pilot scheme delivered through the UK government’s Community Renewal Fund (CRF) programme.
The project is to provide support and research for farmers, growers, landowners and other agricultural and Agri-Tech businesses, to develop innovations that can help build a sustainable farming community in Devon.
Supporting the CRF’s levelling-up agenda, DATA will provide innovation support to Farms in Torridge and West Devon, support Agri- Tech businesses across the county, and build a collaborative alliance to foster innovation and growth.
DATA consists of four elements:
- Sector research and mapping to understand the landscape and opportunities for Agri-tech.
- Develop an Agri-Tech alliance of businesses and organisations across Devon.
- A Knowledge Exchange and Grant Pilot, to support Devon’s Agri-Tech developers.
- A Farm Innovation Pilot in Torridge & West Devon, to develop a toolkit to facilitate innovation in farming.
The networking event will include discussions on soil and fertiliser efficiency, as well as a presentation on future farming resilience.
One-to-One Support
Participants will receive one to one support, including a farm visit (Covid Government advice allowing) with an experienced Agricultural Business Advisor from BIP to carry out a carbon audit and produce a Decarbonisation Plan. In some instances, further farm enterprise analysis will also take place.
The Rural Business School will also carry out a one-to-one meeting to create an Innovation Plan for the farm.
Such plans will consider advancements in the sector; the businesses readiness to innovate; opportunities for diversification and new crops; and the cost effectiveness of technologies.
Decarbonisation Plans, and farm enterprise information completed with BIP will be shared with The Rural Business School ahead of this to help inform the Innovation Plan.
Participating farms will need to commit to one-to-one support between 1st February and 31st May and be prepared with work with both BIP and the Rural Business School.
Showcase Events
Pilot scheme participants will receive priority invitations to two show case events demonstrating Agri-Tech advancements and the technologies available to farmers.
The next event is due to take place at Bradford and Cookbury Village Hall, Bradford, Devon, EX22 7AB, on 26 May 2022 from 10am.
You can read more on the DATA project website, or book your place at the event via Eventbrite.