Oct 312022

Devon Councty Council (DCC) has received additional funding from the government’s Household Support Fund to help people in Devon who are struggling with the rising costs of food, energy, water bills and other related essentials.

It means DCC can help people in our communities that may not be eligible for other support that is already available from the government, by:

  • continuing to provide supermarket vouchers, to help families with children who are eligible for free school meals to buy food during the school holidays
  • continuing to help households that are in greatest financial need via our district/borough/ city councils
  • continuing to help Citizens Advice Devon, so that they can support households that are using pre-payment meters, to help with rising energy costs
  • piloting a scheme to provide minor but rapid energy efficiency improvements to homes of eligible households
  • working with Devon Community Foundation to explore how best to deploy funds to voluntary and community organisations

This latest amount, a little over £5 million, should cover the winter period through to Easter 2023, and it’ll take the total Household Support Fund amount given to Devon so far to just over £15 million.

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