Apr 182020

rain gauge

It’s bound to rain soon, so let’s see which part of Peter Tavy gets most rain – or will it be the same!??

To make a rain Gauge

Materials you’ll need:
•Empty two-litre plastic bottle
•A few handfuls of clean pebbles, gravel, or marbles
•Masking tape
•Marker pen
•Rainy weather!
•Paper and pencil to record the rainfall


1. Carefully cut the top off the bottle.

2. Place some stones (or gravel, or marbles) in the bottom of the bottle. Turn the top upside down and insert into bottom of bottle and tape it to the bottle (like the picture above).

3. Use a ruler and marker pen to make a scale on masking tape on the side of the bottle (like in the picture above).

4. Pour water into the bottle until it reaches the bottom strip on the scale. Congratulations, you have finished your rain gauge.

5. Put your rain gauge outside where it can collect water when it starts raining. .. check daily and record rainfall.

Please let us know how much rain falls where you live – email us at contacthub@petertavyparishcouncil.org